I like a good garage sale, but what I love even more is a church tag sale. Such a variety of items in one place. Usually cheaper prices and usually going to a great ministry opportunity. This summer I have been able to stop at a few, and by a few I mean 3, tag sales like this. I like it better than mall shopping. Is that even normal?
This past Saturday I was just telling my mom how I liked church sales the best when I saw a sign for one and pulled a U right there in the road. Classy. Braking for a garage sale. Anyway, I'm glad I stopped.
The boys came away with two great toys (which they didn't need, but it was $3 total and has kept them busy for HOURS. So I say money well spent.) and 3 movies for 25 cents. I had been wanting a quilt for picnics and found this one for $1! The little mexican blanket and cushion will go in our tipi. I thought the chalkboard would be great for our school time and with the orange, maybe writing something fun on it for autumn. A few records and some fun office-type envelopes to add to mini albums. I think I spent $7 total! We all came away happy. There was a piano that had just sold or I would have hauled that home too. I am determined to eventually find a piano to get these boys lessons.
Speaking of mini albums, I forgot to announce a winner for
Celine's Mini Books Big Style workshop last week! The lucky winner is Kate (aka: stinkydudette). Congrats! I'll email Two Peas and have them get you all set up :)
You made some great fines, at some fabulous prices! Penny