Monday, August 2, 2010


We visited with a dear friend last night that just gave birth to a precious little baby boy. Made me marvel at how tiny they are at first! My boys seemed like giants! Reminded me of the last picture I have of myself pregnant:

Here I am, the day before giving birth to Paxton.

All supplies are American Crafts. I don't think that when they put "homemade" in the thicker accent sheet it was referring to sweet babies, but then I sweet little bun in the oven. Homemade ;)

Looking forward to a week of preparing for preschool which requires the ordering of the perfect backpack. Aven has his eyes on this:

I'm sure little girls are awesome, but I just LOVE having boys!! :)


  1. The layout turned out awesome (as usual)! I'm luvin the Yoda backpack! Ethan would probably drool over it! Too bad he won't need it this year!-LOL

  2. Have you tried ordering that backpack? All of the SW stuff is backordered until end of October!!! Boo!!

    Love the baby layout. I remember that belly.

  3. Ha! I love the way you used the word "homemade" here -- the whole "bun in the oven" idea is hilarious, and PERFECT! Beautiful layout!

  4. I recall that lil Paxton pooch as well, darling!

    The movie Up is a lil sad, sweet lil tears from Aven!

    Is Orange Leaf addicting or what??? Mmmmmm.....welcome to Spfld OL!

    Looks like you had a grand hotel casino time on your trip, welcome home lexilou...


  5. Love this cute layout of your pregnant belly. The layered banner is cute and the little flower! Hope you have fun finding backpacks and getting Aven ready for school! Boys are alot of fun!

  6. this totlly warms my heart and i love the way you used the homemade. who is that on the backpacks?

  7. Beautiful layout, Lexi. Love how you added the dimension to the banner.


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