Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I have deemed this the find of the summer.

Lovely, little $5 beauty.

With original case and manual. I don't know what is is about vintage manual typewriters...maybe it's the design, the funky colors, the stories they could tell...or told. In any case, I am a huge fan.


  1. Lex, That IS THE find of the summer...and perhaps the whole year!! I'm thinking I need to post my growing collection to my blog-hee hee ;)
    TFS friend!!!

  2. Where do you keep all these cameras and typewriters? Mine would have to be spread across the dining room table. Good for my diet, bad for family togetherness.

  3. OH wow, really? really? 5 dolla? Making dis mama holla....did you score it on thurs while kiddos were at mdo, soo jel....gonna hit a few this week if I can;-) u go girl...xo

  4. If you ever need anyone to try out one of your know who will give em' a test drive. I love the colored ones as they are so you.

    P.S. love where you took this picture

  5. 5 bucks!?! That's awesome!

    PS. LOVE your header! =)

  6. That's a great find! Makes me want to go out and thrift.

  7. Just found you from OA, but I glance at Free.Scr. now and then too. I love the typewriters too. I had a diff. brand back in the day (taught typing), but the Royals were the beautiful brand :)

  8. Wow, what a cutie-beauty! And you really took some nice pictures of your find.
    I have an old Brother typewriter which I got when I was 10. Ever since, I love old typewriters, but I don't collect them (yet). My husband would probably freak out :)


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