Sunday, February 7, 2010

Call me Charlie

This was the chocolate factory...

and for several days I was Charlie.

If you are a lover of crafts, my oh my, this was the place to be.
(I know I am way tardy on posting this, but better late than never...right?)

I must say it would have been lots more fun had I not had a wicked sinus infection. I was pretty out of it for most of the days, walking around in a medicine haze, meeting people and companies I have always wanted to while blowing my nose and saying "WHAT?!" (I couldn't hear a thing my head was so clogged up!!) and then I pretty much passed out in a sudafed stupor at night.

Lovely picture I tell you.

So much I wish I would have captured, but I just felt so rotten :( Next time will be a different story :)

So here you go...

First off Heidi. She is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. My husband was a tiny worried before I left and said, "You do realize you are flying half way across the country with someone you have never met and sharing a room with them for 5 nights..?"


"You don't think she will drive in any shady parts of town?" Well, that's debatable ;)

Funny really--you put 3 people in a vehicle with phones and ALL 3 PHONES gave us different GPS directions EVERY TIME. So perhaps a few less than upstanding areas of town were visited :)

We got to meet up with Samantha, and again, we have only chatted thru email, but she too was immediately a close friend. We accidentally went thru the back entrance the first day so we got a few glimpses of the booths before we had to go back to the front with all the other thousands of people. Here is Sam about to close the door until it is officially opened.

I told her to give me a sad face because we wanted back in!!

The first booth we came to was my local friend Nikki Sivils.

And one of my projects displayed. She has these great new burlap buttons that look super cute.

This rug was so awesome. Made of felted wool balls. Found out later my new friend Mary from American Crafts was lucky enough to snag it.

Same booth. Could have snagged this mushroom too. I think the guy in the background is worried Heidi might do just that.

I can't remember this guy's name. I probably should because apparently he is a famous sewer. He had to have his picture with Heidi because he said she looked like a Barbie doll :) Made me feel AWESOME as I blew my nose! ;)

Random prettiness...

New Hambly..

This piece of paper from GCD was a hit. Perhaps you might see it soon.... ;)

Very excited about some of the new border punches...

Dan from Fancy Pants wanted his picture with Heidi. I think she should start charging people!

Outside the cute little flower boxes at Doodlebug.

The Kiki Art booth--this is for my friend Katrina who is on their design team.

The AC booth was all that I expected. And so was Elizabeth Kartchner. We started talking jewelry because we have a few of the same necklaces and even broke out the instax camera. She kept a copy of this pic from the instax in her booth. Super sweet. I can assure you she is just as lovely in person as you would imagine.

If you know me and my love for Thickers you will realize the restraint it took to not grab all these and stuff them in my bag. Not that I wouldn't have paid for them :)

And all this was just the first day. By the end I was completely dragging and a bit delierious when I told Heidi to jump in some feathers before we left for the day. She obliged. See, a great friend indeed :)

And really that is all my friends. After this first day I went from bad to worse. So much creativeness in one space it is hard to describe. Booths were so beautiful and to see all the new products just waiting to be released was AHHHMAZING. I wish I would have taken a picture of so many more things!!

One more picture. An intax taken inside Target the night before our last day at the show when I FINALLY got some antibiotics. And we had to stock up on a few treats. Of course.

Coming back, I was still sick, but was greeted by this.

Even Charlie would have to admit, there's no place like home.


  1. Thanks for the booth pic!!!! Hope you are feeling better....we need to scrap soon!! hugs, K

  2. Oh my word...I was cracking up reading this Lexi! I thought it was strange I didn't have a "Dan" pic on my camera...or one of me ROLLInG in feathers...hmmm strange. You must have been the culprit behind those shots! And in our defense there are a LOT of shady areas in it's hard to avoid them all the time...especially when you're as lost as we were! I think the quilters name was Mark Lipinski...if I remember right. He was a character, and NO I still haven't friended him on Facebook! :)

    Your recap of CHA was a lot more fun than mine was! Such a good time!

    H LO

  3. Finally--the long awaited CHA post.

    I love it. All of it. And it stinks so bad you were sick. I so see it in your eyes in the Target picture.

    Can Heidi swindle in a hopelessly devoted seamstress next year?

  4. Lex,
    Happy to see the pics from CHA. Despite your awful sinus condition- you looked B-U-TEE-FUL dahling! ;)

    How awesome that you got to meet so many talents! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you. One thing is for sure...I know it's bright {and full of Thickers, sewing and all things vintage). ;)
    Take care you.

  5. I'm so glad we coudl meet at the show. I look fowrard to seeing you at more. cute blog too!

  6. SOOOO jealous you were able to meet "dear lizzy" IN PERSON! Sorry you were too sick to enjoy most of it! Fantastic post!! :)

  7. Love the post. Heidi told me about your drive through the "shady area" of town and the Target run. Hilarious! Loved your pics and recap. Heidi is a good freind of mine. While she was choosing her design team for this year I popped over to your blog from a comment you made and from the first look I knew you would be choosen. You and Heidi are a perfect fit!

  8. I am really needing more than one post a week from you, friend, or else, we will have to get together for real.

    I was thinking a night away somewhere fun for a reading retreat--all our fav books, and a roaring fireplace and lots of cookie dough and chocolate yummies.

    But not until I reach my goal weight.

    Sigh. Next winter, perhaps?

  9. Fun recap! Looks like a genuine fun time, love the feather pic of Heidi...Oh and her jean dress was super cute too, Im liking the one piece outfits these days;) No not preggers again, just keeping it simple. The cone love layout was uber delish and cute too. Cannot believe how much Rory and Aven favor in the fam pic, cute snowman too. I still need to grab the scarf from my back porch...ours finally bit the dust;-) Yeah...bring it on sun! xo amyb


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