Wednesday, July 20, 2011

October Afternoon booth!

 I always forget how busy CHA is...and that it is SO HARD to take pics of everything you like! I tried to do this last night, but had to pay for internet, then couldn't get it to work and then yada yada yada!!

SO here you are--you can pretend you are at CHA taking a tour of the October Afternoon booth! You'll see some new items, and as a disclaimer:
1. the guy at the beginning--tried to edit him. didn't work. kinda funny anyway.
2. my voice is annoying
3. I am pretty sure at one point I call myself a dork.
4. I tried not to use the word "great" too many times ;)
Hope you like it!
I have also never loaded a video onto my blog, so if for some reason it doesn't work...sorry! The video is also on youtube and should be on the October Afternoon blog sometime this week :)

And I have a video tour of the Crate Paper booth too! Will try and load that tonight. My layout from Farmhouse was up on their blog yesterday...along with a chance to win the line. Go enter!


  1. Thanks so much for doing this!

  2. Great video, and no, your voice it not annoying!

  3. Muah! I shall kiss for you doing that, I like seeing them up close :) Seriously though, how cute are you? Not a dork at all. Thanks!!

  4. i agree,,,,your voice isnt annoying....i think its sweet....!!!!
    love the great to see esp for all us international gals!!!

  5. Fab tour! Love the last two lines although it'll probably be Autumn before I get to see them in the flesh! :( Love the sprinklers too. Better get saving my pennies....

  6. Great video Lexi - I'm not the least bit dizzy! Love your sweeping shot of the Sprinklers! So pretty :)

  7. Cool! So sad I couldn't make it this year!

  8. Cute vid. I need to finally order some more OA. Lines look good.

  9. so bummed i didn't get to meet you... next time FOR SURE ok? :)

  10. Oooo! Thanks for sharing this Lexi! Love the Farmhouse, I think it might be one of my favourite OA lines ever! I didn't know they were releasing stamps either, how exciting!


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